A place where @Ei#4497 dumps all his random projects (abandoning it 80% of the time). Don't expect it to work on mobile, not doing the portrait mode css for now.

Click to try! (.edu.hk account required)


A website to assist English teachers in marking essays, using ChatGPT. It will give a grade and help teachers write comments based on custom marking schemes and instructions, while also providing grammar corrections and sample rewrites. The finished product will be a website similar to Google Classroom, but a trial page to test out the AI is currently avaliable.

Current Status:

Trial Closed - API key turned off.

Click for Teasers!

Project Keqei

An online multiplayer turn-based RPG 6v6 gacha game, featuring members from TheGenshinPlace (and OC made by the members) as the characters. The storyline focuses on Ei breaking the fourth wall and excaping the world, while Keq and the egirls trying to fix the glitches and diasters caused by Ei.

Current Status:

Discontinued - Replaced with Incursion / Transient Assault

Click to try QueQat!


An AI made with Deep Q-Learning, used to reduce queueing time in multi-queue systems where different people have different service times, such as supermarkets. QueQat can assign customers to queues based on their service time, and can reduce the total waiting time by approximately 20%.

Current Status:

Complete, but server is offline.

Click to play!

Avaritilax 4

A remade version of Idle Snorlax 3 with slighly better everything.

Current Status:

Alpha 1.1.3, very slow development.

Click to enter the resinless land

Vajrada Amethyst Sliver

A bunch of tiny projects I did when I'm out of resin bored

Click to start time trial

Time Trials

Projects done in a limited time during gamejams or whatever hackathon

Click to enter the abandoned land

Island of the Lost and Forgotten

A bunch of old and abandoned projects, the oldest one was made with block code years before I even started actual programming. Nothing much to really try in here, they all suck.

Click to for the Github Repo

The Basement's Collective Repo

Some random people making random stuff like compilers, fork bombs, memory leaks, and games